This book uses concepts that are straight out of metaphysics.
The way I use the term “metaphysics” relates to the philosophical study of the nature of being—how our thoughts interact with the experiences we have in life. It deals with the realm of the invisible reality outside the confines and limitations of our five senses. It is also the study of “cause and effect,” and how that mechanism works in our lives.
I’ve found that metaphysical teachings are empowering because they are based on the idea that you are the driver of your experience—that the power to change resides within you, not from somewhere outside of you.
Recognizing that you have the power to define and determine your experience is essential to affecting the conditions of your life, because otherwise you are at the mercy of your addictions, your problems, your human frailties and the world around you.
Metaphysics teaches that the quality of your life and the experiences you have are a direct result of your beliefs about life and your relationship with yourself. So, in a practical sense, the external conditions of your life hold up a mirror so you can see the dominant thoughts and beliefs that you hold in your awareness.
Beliefs are powerful. In fact, they are the creative foundation of your experience in life.
Most people don’t know that. To be perfectly honest, I spent most of my life not knowing that. I thought that life was happening to me, rather than happening through me according to my thoughts and beliefs.
Soul Recovery is based on the idea that the “power greater than ourselves” is actually our true self. You are one with it—and it is through that realization that you can shift or heal your thinking, which in turn changes your experience of life. My life has certainly demonstrated that, and I want to share with you the specific tools that made healing possible for me and have the potential to do the same for you.
In Soul Recovery, a way of life becomes available to you that is radically different from the way you’ve been taught and the way that you’ve lived in the past. This model of recovery will provide the path to your healing. The way it expresses through you will be unique, because you are unique.
Just so you know ahead of time, I will use the term “God” a lot. But I want you to associate that word with an infinite source of energy and good, not a man in the sky. You can think of God as the power that holds matter and energy in a physical system, or as an infinite love that pervades all things.
I don’t think God would have a problem with any of those.
Of course, you’ve heard of the 12 Step Programs of Alcoholics Anonymous and other recovery programs. This book builds upon those initial tools by adding a Key that corresponds to each of the 12 Steps—hence, 12 Keys.
The Soul Recovery process is presented here as a 12-week course of study and practice. Each Key progresses from a basic teaching into the practices and actions that prepare you for the next Key. Of course, you don’t have to compress your process into 12 weeks if that doesn’t serve you. Some Keys require deeper work before moving on. I suggest you use your intuition to lead you here. You will know when you are ready to embrace the next Key.
• Read each chapter all the way through before participating in any exercises.
• Write some initial thoughts in your notebook.
• Read each chapter's “Key” several times.
• Make time for Contemplation & Journaling.
• Schedule time for appropriate Action Steps.
• Use the Keys and Affirmations throughout your week.