Step Six: “We were entirely ready to have God remove these defects of character.”
Key Six: “I am now ready to release all thought patterns and behaviors unlike my true nature, which is wholeness. I free-fall into the loving presence of Spirit within, and allow it to heal every known and unknown false belief. I am transformed by the renewal of my mind.”
How It Works
Key #6 is inviting you to go deeper as you revisit your childhood and explore what happened to you in highly specific terms. You’re not revisiting your past from a place of being a victim, but rather from a place of understanding what’s really going on under the surface—what’s driving your thoughts and actions. It is from this understanding that you will recognize the past-generated beliefs creating your experience that are no longer serving you.
The Work
Set your intention by quietly saying to yourself or out loud:
“My past no longer has any power over me. I release the deep-rooted false beliefs of unworthiness and shame, and in the awareness of my oneness with God, all of the ways I have walked in pain dissolve into the nothingness from which they came.”
“I am whole, perfect and complete. I am loved, adored and cherished by the entire Universe. My past was an experience, not my identity. My identity is God in expression.”
“I embrace my inner child in a vibration of unconditional love, acceptance and forgiveness. I am willing to love my inner child more than he/she has ever been loved.”
The past is not my fault, and I release the shame, blame and pain of my childhood.
My childhood was a reflection of how I saw myself. I forgot that I was enough, wonderful and amazing.
How I see myself can be changed through prayer, meditation and self-forgiveness.
I was never damaged, unworthy or stupid. I am created in the image and likeness of beauty, intelligence, order, balance and all the magnificence of the Universe. I am now waking up to this truth. I am awake.
What was it that happened in your childhood that made you believe you weren’t enough, or that you were unlovable, unwanted, damaged and unworthy? Was there one main event that caused it, or were there lots of different events that established this pattern in your life?
Important Note: Write a one page synopsis about this experience. Don’t live in the story for too long. We do not want to build our mental house there. Our work here is to just get an idea of what created the false belief system in the first place.
How are these thought patterns and behaviors showing up in your life now (finances, relationships, career, addictions, family, etc.)?
What does your inner child say to you when something amazing is happening in your life – when something you really wanted has finally shown up? Can you accept it, or do you sabotage the good?
Finally, are you willing to let Spirit heal you (your inner child) and completely remove the blocks you’ve set up in your life?
Key Six: “I am now ready to release all thought patterns and behaviors unlike my true nature, which is wholeness. I free-fall into the loving presence of Spirit within, and allow it to heal every known and unknown false belief. I am transformed by the renewal of my mind.”
“By acknowledging and embracing the pain and shame of my inner child, I am entirely ready to allow Spirit within to heal and restore me to wholeness.”
Action Steps
Practice seeing yourself free from the false beliefs developed in your childhood. What does your life look and feel like without them? Practice by writing a paragraph in your Journal.
From your healthy, awake and conscious adult self, I want you to rewrite your childhood by imagining how you would lovingly support, want, adore and protect your inner child. I want you to do this every day, by looking at one or two of those painful circumstances and think about how you would have taken care of your child if you were the parent that is conscious and awake. This is an opportunity to “re-parent” yourself by giving your inner child the love, respect, safety and acknowledgement that he/she deserves. Only you can do this, because your actual parents could not see the whole picture in the same way as you can see right now.
When my inner child is feeling afraid, I will comfort her with loving words, prayer and meditation. I’ll ask her what’s going on, and what does she need? I will listen to my inner child, be understanding yet firm in my awareness that God is love, and that I am enough. I will do my spiritual work until my inner child feels safe and protected in every area of my life.